Over Boluda Towage Europe

The world is changing very fast. Borders are fading. Adapting to this new reality is essential for success. With over 650 years of combined heritage and flexible approach, we take part in this challenge. Our heritage is what we breathe and what we are well known for. Our roots are unmistakably European, just like our long history.

The recent acquisition by Boluda added a new chapter to the history of Kotug Smit Towage. As from 1st August 2019, we are part of Boluda Corporación Marítima. Under our new name Boluda Towage Europe, we are still providing tailored towage services in the major European ports, always putting our customers’ needs first. And continue to lead them safely into the harbors.

After our incorporation in the Boluda Towage Division, we can benefit from the support of a ship-owner with a very strong maritime heritage. Boluda Corporación Marítima was established in 1837 and is a family-owned company. The company started its port tug activities in Valencia (Spain) in 1920. With the recent acquisition, Boluda Towage stands for a collective heritage of over 650 years.

Nowadays, Boluda Towage is one of the world’s leaders in maritime services. The company has a worldwide presence and operates a fleet of more than 300 tugboats in 90 ports in 15 countries of Europe, the west coast of Africa, America and the Indian Ocean.


Boluda Towage Europe